Dozens of hot games coming to your Mac soon...

April to June

3D Ultra Pinball A new perspective on pinball Sierra
Adventures of the Smart Patrol From 1980s electronic group DevoWarner Interactive
Afterlife SimHeaven and SimHell Virgin Interactive
Apache Longbow Helicopter simulation Digital Integration
Bad Mojo Kafka meets David Lynch Acclaim
Beat the House Lose your shirt Interplay
BrainDead 13 Cartoon horror flick Empire Interactive
Broken Sword Ambitious adventure Virgin Interactive
Catalyst High tech 3D Devilution
Chaos Overlords Get them before they get you US Gold
Clandestiny They've got to do 11th Hour yet Virgin interactive
The Dark Eye Spooky Warner Interactive
Descent: Levels of the World Extra bits for dizzying 3D game Interplay
Descent 2 Sequel to dizzying 3D game Interplay
Empire II Wargame US Gold
Euro Manager '96 Your chance to be a footie manager Team 17
Flux Bizarre morphing simulation Virgin Interactive
Hardline 21st century boys Virgin Interactive
Heroes: Might & Magic Latest in epic fantasy series US Gold
HIND Take on Apache in Russian chopper Digital Integration
Hoyle's 5.0 Non-stop card action Sierra
IndyCar Racing II Realistic racing sim Virgin Interactive
Indy's Desktop Adventures Puzzle Virgin Interactive
Kingdom: The Far Reaches Majestic fantasy Interplay
Gabriel Knight 2 JPEG imageVideo voodoo Sierra
Kyrandia 3 Magical role-playing game Virgin Interactive
Lion Pretend you're a lion US Gold
Lost Eden Adventure Virgin Interactive
Mortimer JPEG imageAdventure for kids Virgin Interactive
Muppet Treasure Island First Muppet game Activision
Panic in the Park Adventure Warner Interactive
Panzer General Allied General sequel Mindscape
Pinball 95 Pinball's the fad of the summer Maxis
Pro Pinball: The Web Yet more pinball action Empire Interactive
The Riddle of Master Lu Mystical martial arts saga US Gold
Safecracker VR puzzle game Warner Interactive
Secrets of the Luxor Egyptian adventure Mojave
Shivers Horrific stuff Sierra
SimIsle SimRainForest Maxis
Star Trek: Judgment Rites Kirk and company Interplay
Torin's Passage Family adventure Sierra
Wing Commander IV Star-spanning action Electronic Arts
Worms Cartoon warfare Team 17

July to September

The 11th Hour Scare-fest that's hours late Virgin Interactive
Caddyhack Something to do with caddies Virgin Interactive
Car-Nage Violent simulation Virgin Interactive
Command & Conquer Spectacular war simulation Virgin Interactive
Hammer Slammers Futuristic alliteration US Gold
Heart of Darkness JPEG imageAwesome French fantasy Virgin Interactive
Kingdom O' Magic Irreverent fantasy SCi
Lands of Lore 2 Fantasy adventure Virgin Interactive
Mayhem Non-stop robot destruction GT Interactive
Metalwerks Build your own robot US Gold
NASCAR Racing II More racing circuits to try Virgin Interactive
Rivers of Dawn Role-playing game Virgin Interactive
Scarecrow Adventure US Gold
Silencer Platform action Mindscape

October to December

Simon Challenger Children's adventure Maxis
Tank Commander War gaming Domark
Warlords 2 Multi-player strategy Electronic Arts
Werewolf v Comanche Plane vs helicopter NovaLogic
XS Serious sci-fi weaponry SCi
Zork: Nemesis Epic adventure series Activision

'When it's ready'

No date set for these titles yet - most should appear this year, although some 1997 debuts are likely.

Arcade America Platform frenzy 7th Level
Battle Beast Fighting action 7th Level
Beyond Squad Leader Strategic war games US Gold
BrainDead 13 Animated monster mash Empire
Dark Earth JPEG imageSumptuous future adventure Mindscape
Hexen Magic Doom GT Interactive
Marathon Infinity Play Marathon forever and ever Bungie
McKenzie & Co A game just for girls! Mirage
Mortal Kombat II The famous beat-em-up Interplay
Mortal Kombat III The more famous beat-'em-up GT Interactive
Myst II The sequel you've been waiting for Brøderbund
NBA Jam Tournament Edition Basketball action Interplay
Nine JPEG imageGT's Myst-beater GT Interactive
Orion Burger Alien fast food invasion US Gold
Picture Perfect Golf Super-real putting practice Empire
Quake Doom squared GT Interactive
Rise 2: Resurrection Just don't ask about Rise 1 Mirage
Sante Fe Mysteries Confused in California Activision
Skullcracker Bounty hunting in a B-movie world BMG
Star Trek: Spacefleet Academy Kirk: the Early Years Interplay
Threshold Action game Mindscape
Titanic The end BMG